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Beginning Treatment

Determining Fit


Prior to scheduling an appointment, I like to communicate with a potential patient or parent briefly by phone or email.  The purpose of this discussion is to assure that I am the right provider for the person's needs, both in terms of clinical expertise and appointment availability. 




The initial appointment is 75-90 minutes long.  If the appointment is regarding a child or adolescent, this first appointment is for the parent/s only.  At the initial appointment I obtain information about the issues to be addressed in therapy, as well as a detailed history of the patient and a family history (if available).   I discuss my general clinical impressions at that time, as well as a plan for treatment. After this appointment, potential patients can evaluate what we have discussed and determine if they are comfortable with proceeding with treatment.  Appointments following the initial one are 50 minutes long, unless we have scheduled a longer session.  Depending upon the age and issues of the patient, the session may only include the individual patient, may include the parent/s during a portion of the appointment, or may be for the parent/s only.


Office Policies


For more detailed information regarding my psychological services, including how self-payment works, privacy issues, specifics to working with minors and with children of divorced parents, please refer to the Office Forms and Information page, and consult the document titled, "Patient Services Agreement and Office Policies."


© 2016 by Stacie B. Isenberg, Psy.D.

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